Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sports Illustrated App Hits iPhone, Celebrates With Augmented Reality Magazine Cover

siappI'm no athlete, but I've found that a passing knowledge of sports comes in handy when conversations take a turn for the awkward. The question then is where do sports fans (and wannabes like me) go to get the skinny? With publications and websites all vying for our limited attention spans, they're turning to increasingly impressive ways to grab our attention, and Sports Illustrated is no exception. After building a presence in the Android Market and on the iOS with their Swimsuit Editions, the folks behind the long-running magazine have announced that the Sports Illustrated app has finally made the leap to the iPhone. It seems they're in the mood to celebrate the occasion too (or at least capitalize on sports-hungry iPhone fans), as the magazine?s latest issue is rocking a smartphone-friendly makeover.

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